
I believe that

Life story will be love at first sight

Who have been hurt the hearts of love is not easy to sight

Your eyes with lukewarm expression

There were no escape in the cooling-off

I believe that

Staring at the first time you leave my background

Immediately on the hope to meet again tomorrow

Careless dream feeling can be sustained so that

Fuzzy you the clearest

I believe in you

Pry into her soulful eyes and charming

My heart is left to you

My people in the vicinity

Do not have to immediately respond to

Do not want to love easily

Need to give you emotional

For fear you will leave

Miss the people of suffocation

So does not leave and give up

Per minute and you get close to



2022 在口才圈的第一分享

 2022年參與的第一個活動就是口才圈的幹部訓練。 剛開始只是帶著一份好奇爲什麽自己會被錄取的心態來出席,但後來發現我收穫的不是自己被錄取的理由而是自己在這個兩天一夜的表現。 回來的時候我有點不開心,但是一直不知道不開心的理由(其實也許我知道,只是我選擇隱藏)。 後來看見詩情回復...