因为投资黄金亏了 10k,
10k确实不是一个小数目, 是我用尽20多年勤俭过活所获得的储蓄
就在2020年这一天, 亏光了
努力的假装坚强, 告诉自己天还没踏, 不用那么绝望
一直告诉自己 - 东山再起, 还是一条女汉子 -
这个10k 在我25岁这一年里为自己买的一场昂贵教训
今天早上吃着早餐时, 因为一直在环绕着这个话题, 在当下有一瞬间脑海闪过很奇怪的想法。突然间想到了我的以后该怎么办? 没有了这笔钱 , 该怎么办? 当下感受是有不知道自己是谁, 为何这样, 但慢慢的缓过来了。
总结自己得到的教训/ 之后的行动:
1. 制作属于自己的理财管理
2. 在半年里达到目标数额 (9k)
3. 制作一份创业目标
4. 制作一份5年内的人生规划
5. 不要太容易听信别人说的甜言蜜语
6. 做好风险管理
7. 学习投资, 分析
8. 把剩下来的 RM 500 每个月放进不动户口
没事 , 我很好! 东山再起, 还是一条女汉子
都清醒, 都独立
从容不迫,真实, 坦率,谦虚
understand your karma , use your karma help all beings
what is it ? what can i do? how can i help?
Pessismistic post
My current situation is just like ummmmmmmm...
yes, that's nothing special with my life. To be honest I actually don't know what i wanted. I dare not to take action. Always say that stay out of your comfort zone, but why ? isn't comfort zone is good enough ! why you need to suffered yourself. Previously i thought i am a girl who like to take challenges. No, the truth is I am definitely a coward.
Sometimes has a feeling like I am so useless and everybody are struggling to chase their dream to make it real. But what am i. What had i achieved ? The answer were nothing.
I always looking a way which could added my value. BUT that's only living in my thinking whereas not turning to my action.I admit that my thinking always louder than my action.
Currently my mind and emotion lead by a stranger. I don't even know this people, we just chat by text. Damn !!! STOP IT. Step out from my mind. Live in reality. Actually i know what is happening but i dare not to face it. I'm afraid. okay, stop talking about it.. I do really appreciate all the moment no matter it's good or bad.
Wish to be an attractive women, the first is you must live for yourself not others.
Don't let people to lead your mind. They are nothing for doing so.
And promise keep improving yourself.
博文 (Atom)
2022 在口才圈的第一分享
2022年參與的第一個活動就是口才圈的幹部訓練。 剛開始只是帶著一份好奇爲什麽自己會被錄取的心態來出席,但後來發現我收穫的不是自己被錄取的理由而是自己在這個兩天一夜的表現。 回來的時候我有點不開心,但是一直不知道不開心的理由(其實也許我知道,只是我選擇隱藏)。 後來看見詩情回復...
很可惜! 这么好的人才就这样被带走了 龙舟悲剧,发生在他们身上! ...
2009 year. 我没什么好留念。 唯一让我最开心/回忆,的是 跑吧,少年 。。跑去那里? 耶稣心里 我学会了,我也知道了! 我学会了用爱(别误会,不是伤感情的爱) 我知道什么是“圣洁” 我知道什么是死亡 我也知道原来我们一直都带着“面具” 我想劝,你如...
我真的很想说 (丑女是不可能那么容易得到某些东西的) 以上的那句话 是在说明 我【本人】 × L.hy ×